Tanja S. Zabka

Distinguished Scientist/Pathologist. Genentech
TransBioLine Executive Committee member

What is your/your company current role in TransBioLine?
  • As one of the representatives of Roche, I serve on the Executive Board and as a co-lead for the vascular working group of TransBioLine. As partner on the Executive Board, I am excited to provide scientific and strategic guidance for our current endeavour and our sustainability plan to support the vision of providing a pipeline of emerging and regulatory supported safety biomarkers to help advance safety science in drug development. As a co-lead for the vascular working group, I welcome the challenge to work with the team to establish reliable biomarkers for the unmet need of what is currently a poorly monitorable toxicity in drug development. These roles are strongly aligned with our work in safety assessment and drug safety across Roche.

What is your overall vision of the Project?
  • To provide compelling outcomes for biomarkers of end-organ injury that can be used for multiple purposes, including not only safety but also diagnostic, prognostic, mechanistic and therapeutic response biomarkers; therefore, maximizing the impact of TransBioLine beyond safety science to improve patient lives now and in the future as additional science builds on these foundational outcomes.

What have you found the most challenging/interesting during the Project?
  • Keeping momentum with a volunteer army of colleagues across organizations in a scientific effort outside of our daily work in order to deliver a meaningful outcome.

What has been your/your company greatest achievement during the Project?
  • Delivering a well-curated normal healthy set of samples from Roche volunteers under a complicated collection design to support in particular the pancreas working group to support their success. Maintaining scientific engagement over 5 years across several work packages to support their success.

What you consider will be the major impact of TransBioLine on the society / biomedical research area?
  • Same response as for “vision” question.

What will you keep in your memories on TransBioLine?
  • Being part of one of the most scientifically rigorous and creative teams that remained collaborative and fun despite many challenges over 5 years in order to realize our vision and further to develop a sustainability plan to continue impact beyond the life of TransBioLine.