
US FDA issues the Letter of Support for DIPI biomarkers

2023-06-29T12:18:03+00:00June 29th, 2023|Latest News|

TransBioLine work package 3 (WP3; drug-induced pancreatic injury; DIPI) applauds the recent Letter of Support issued by the FDA for DIPI safety biomarkers to the Critical Path Institute’s Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC). Within the [...]

TransBioLine attended the closing meeting of eTRANSAFE

2023-03-08T14:50:05+00:00March 7th, 2023|Latest News|

On the 23rd of February, Sophia Samodelov, TransBioLine Project coordinator, participated in the closing meeting of eTRANSAFE Project “Towards a Quantum leap in drug safety assessment”. eTRANSAFE (enhancing translational safety assessment through integrative knowledge management) [...]

New publication from University of Nottingham

2023-02-02T10:48:20+00:00February 2nd, 2023|Latest News, Publications|

  Millions of people with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis could benefit from Nottingham biomarker research. Nottingham researchers found its side effects are less likely than previously thought and are calling for guidelines affecting the use of [...]

Four LOIs accepted by the FDA

2021-06-24T23:19:58+00:00June 24th, 2021|Latest News|

The FDA has decided to Accept the DILI Work Package into the Biomarker Qualification Program. We are very happy to have DIVI, DINI, DIKI and DILI already accepted by the FDA Biomarker Qualification Program! Take [...]

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