During year 4, huge progress has been done in the enrolment of patients in the clinical studies within the TransBioLine project to move forward in the identification of novel biomarkers that reliably indicate specific organ injury during drug development. To highlight, recruitment for the pancreatic injury working group has finally commenced at 3 centres, after several delays. Learning phase studies have been completed, and prospective recruitment for confirmatory phase studies is well underway for all teams.

Status of clinical studies per centre and organ work package as of end of June 2023

Drug induced KIDNEY injury (WP1)Pre-eclampsiaanti-VEGF
University of Zurich (CH)enrollingenrolling
University of Munich (GE)enrollingenrolling
University of Malaga/ Servicio Andaluz de Salud (ES)enrolling-
University of Bern (GE)enrolling-
Drug induced LIVER injury (WP2)DILIALFNAFLDMethotraxate
University of Nottingham (UK)enrollingenrollingcompletedenrolling
University of Zurich (CH)enrolling---
University of Munich (GE)enrolling---
University of Malaga/ Servicio Andaluz de Salud (ES)enrolling---
Landspitali University Hospital (IS)enrolling---
University of Bern (GE)enrolling---
Drug induced PANCREAS injury (WP3)MAP-1
University of Liverpool (UK)enrolling
University of Munich (GE)enrolling
University of Malaga/ Servicio Andaluz de Salud (ES)enrolling
Drug induced VASCULAR injury (WP4)VasculitidesAngioplasty
University of Zurich (CH)enrollingenrolling
University of Malaga/ Servicio Andaluz de Salud (ES)enrolling-
Drug induced CNS injury (WP5)TBIMSChemoBrainCAR-T cell therapyNHV
Charité – Berlin University Hospital (GE)-completed enrollingcompletedcompleted
Pfizercompleted --enrolling
Liquid biopsies (WP6)NHV