The 9th Consortium meeting of TransBioLine took place on the 23rd and 24th of September in London. This two-days hybrid meeting gathered 32 Consortium members together onsite, including  2 members of the SAB, Elmer Schabel (Clinical Assessor, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Germany) and James Dear (Prof of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Edinburgh, the UK), with many members also attending virtually.

After the welcome and introduction from the Project Leads, Shashi Ramaiah and Sophia Samodelov, Estefania Callado from Synapse shared reminders on final project reporting-related activities to fulfil before the project end, as well as sharing information on the timing of final report preparation, for alignment of Consortium members to secure its submission in due course. The rest of the day was dedicated to work package updates, where WP leads presented last scientific progresses and expected communication and dissemination activities during and after the Project runtime. Publications in peer-reviewed journals and abstracts presentations in scientific congresses are foreseen to continue during all 2025 at least.

During the Consortium meeting, participants were invited to share their lessons learned during the Project lifetime. Different topics for reflection were proposed on a wall, such as aspects as biomarkers identification strategies, public-private collaboration, and regulatory learnings. The magnificent views over the city of London seemed to inspire participants to share interesting reflections.

During the second day, communication activities and post-project activities were approached for team alignment. Elmer Schabel, James Dear and Paul Watkins, as members of the Project SAB, shared their input and feedback, providing an insightful background for further team reflections.

Close to the Project end, with an updated overview of all WPs status and goals still to be achieved, all Consortium partners hopefully returned home full of energy to fulfil their commitments and secure Project goals accomplishment.